Get Active – Get Connected 2023 sml
Blackpool Mens Shed – The Blackpool mens shed meet every Wednesday 10:30 – 12:30 at the Blackpool community centre. Activities Include DIY, gardening and Tai Chi. Always open to new members.
Blackpool over 60’s – Blackpool over 60’s meet every Tuesday 2pm – 4pm at the Blackpool community centre, activities vary from week-to-week Including Bingo, Meditation, Music, Dance and Activator poles.
Blackpool Walking group – The Blackpool walking group meets every Wednesday 2pm outside the Blackpool Church. Walks are varied speeds and for most abilities.
Roches Buildings Resource Centre – Based at 61 Roches Buildings, this resource centre is for people living In Roches Buildings and surrounding areas. There is a monthly meet-up, generally held on a Monday 1-3pm for residents of the area to meet and mingle. Refreshments provided.
Blackpool Knitting group are a new group who started meeting in 2022 every Monday afternoon 2pm in Blackpool Community centre. As a new group they are looking for new members with all different levels of knitting. If you don’t know how to knit, the group can teach you.
Shandon Street Mens Shed – Shandon street mens shed meet every Thursday at 2pm at The Rock Community Centre, Blarney Street. Activities Include gardening, trips away and community work. Call In for a cup of tea.
Photo Gallery
Blackpool walking
Blackpool walking group meet for a brisk walk and regular chat – the group is open to new members as its first year.
Meets every Wednesday at 2 for a walk around the city-
Contact: CHW
Garden café
The garden café at the foyer is open daily for breakfast and lunch serving delicious in a friend ly and surrounds. This social sustainability and inclusion project .
The Garden Café Cork which is widely regarded as Cork’s Greenest Café is situated on the grounds of Cork Foyer ( formerly Assumption Convent Cork ) and is located in a beautiful Victorian style glasshouse, It offers spectacular views of Blackpool and is open daily from Monday to Friday each week for morning coffee, freshly baked scones, brownies and flap jacks .
An exciting lunch menu is on offer daily using the finest seasonal produce sourced from our community Garden Allotment and also from local artisan producers. Daily specials include Courgette stuffed with Carrigaline smoked cheese and caramelised onions, and also chicken with rosemary and roasted red peppers. Parents can also unwind and relax while toddlers play in the park, explore the community garden and enjoy the fun of the mini pet farm.
At first glance this café aspires to the high standards of many other Cork Restaurants; however there is a wider picture which focuses on providing Adult Education in a unique community spirit. The employees are in fact trainees who receive instruction in areas such as, Barista coffee training, food preparation, HACCP ,electronic point of sale (EPOS) and customer service. Mentoring is also a key factor while participants work in the Garden Café.
Coffa House
COFFA House is a social centre catering for the elderly all over Cork city. Activities include bingo, afternoon dinner, Tai Chi, bus outings, film shows, bazaars, socials and parties.
Contact Coffa house or CHW on 0873479549
Shandon tidy streets group , historical society and Shandon area renewal work together to improve to improve the areas historic and cultural significance. Tidy street group meets on Tuesday evenings at 6pm.
Community arts
Community Art link base in the Shandon Area renewal Association, Firkin crane, graffiti arts theatre
Blackpool community Centre
The centre host Cork city partnership local education courses, weekly GROW meetings. AA and many other groups use the centre. Blackpool Youth Club is also based here. The centre is a vibrant hub for many local and intercultural activities. The centre is also a local food cloud distributor and facilitates a valuable social service to the community. Mindfulness , digital inclusion, mother and baby massage and space for local organising groups.